Sunday, February 8, 2015

There's a Reason Almost All Suicide Attackers Are Freakazoids

They think they're going to heaven, of course. 

Robert Farley at LGM:
... the question that Krauthammer poses is whether godless communists, who anticipate no reward in heaven, can nevertheless be motivated by nationalistic and ideological commitments to undertake suicide attacks.  The answer is yes.  The answer is also “yes” for Vietnamese Communists, who were sufficiently motivated by nationalistic and ideological commitments to undertake suicide attacks in several instances.
Both Farley and Krauthammer grossly misrepresent the motivations of the godless.  Yes, atheists can be motivated by nationalistic and ideological commitments to undertake suicide attacks, but we rarely do so.

It's not because we anticipate no reward in a heaven we know doesn't exist.  It's because we know this is the only life we get, and do not risk it lightly.

Freakazoids of every flavor live only for an afterlife that doesn't exist. They have no respect for this life. Instead of living this one life to its fullest, they constantly rejected and sacrifice any and all present joy in the moment in the futile home that an invisible sky wizard will be propitiated and save them from eternal torment.

It makes them enormously susceptible to the blandishments of terrorists.  "You're not having any fun in this life, anyway - why not go out with a bang?  There's a spot on a cloud next to your invisible friend waiting for you."

Try that with an atheist and she's likely to die laughing - a far better way to go than by blowing yourself up.

Theists die in fear, terrified that even the most sacrificial, buy-bull following life is not enough to save them from a lake of fire.

Atheists may die wishing we had more time with those we love, but we do not fear death because we know it is a mere end: one last breath, then nothing.

Atheists are the true "pro-lifers." We cherish every precious moment of this life and make the most of it.  Atheists live to ensure that on our deathbeds, we do not regret that we failed to live life to its fullest.

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