Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Speaking of Terrorists

These motherfuckers are worse than the anti-vaxxers and their defenders like the Tribble-Toupeed One.

Over the past several years, there have been increasing levels of threats and intimidation aimed at doctors who provide abortion services, according to a new survey of abortion clinic violence published by the Feminist Majority Foundation. Some of the tactics mirror the harassment that doctors faced in the 1990s before becoming the victims of violent and even fatal crimes.

The National Clinic Violence Survey is the first comprehensive nationwide review of the atmosphere at women’s health clinics since 2010. Nearly 250 abortion providers across the country responded to the questionnaire with information about how anti-abortion harassment affects their patients and staff.

“The most stunning result in the survey, really, is this surge in serious threats that are being carried out against providers nationwide,” duVergne Gaines, the director of the National Clinic Access Project and one of the authors of the report, told ThinkProgress. “Those threats have almost doubled since 2010.”
The only-blastocysts-are-people terrorists getting desperate, because we're getting more proof that medical abortions - requiring no clinic that can be bombed - are perfectly safe.
A large new study in the journal Contraception effectively debunks the rationale for passing restrictions on abortion-inducing pills, a legislative trend that often slips under the radar but that threatens to make it all the way up to the Supreme Court. In light of the findings, the lead researchers conclude that “politics should never trump science.”

The new research, which tracked more than 13,000 women’s medication abortions at Planned Parenthood health centers in Los Angeles over a five-year period, confirms that an off-label regimen for providing medication abortion is very safe. That finding stands in direct contrast to an increasing number of state laws that specifically prevent doctors from prescribing this effective regimen — legislation that is misleadingly framed in terms of women’s “health and safety.”

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