Friday, February 13, 2015

KY Union Members Stop Anti-Worker Legislation

Don't be fooled by the bill descriptions: "right-to-work" means the right of employers to eliminate all wage, safety and benefit protections for workers; "repealing prevailing wage" means cutting pay you can live on down to minimum-wage starvation

The state House dems stood with workers this time, but repugs are just practicing for the 2017 session after repugs take the House in the 2016 elections.

Jack Brammer at the Herald:
Union workers flooded the state Capitol on Thursday to express their disdain for bills that would allow people to work for unionized employers without joining the union and repeal the prevailing-wage requirement for school construction projects.

They liked what they heard in the House Labor and Industry Committee.

The panel overwhelmingly voted down Senate Bill 1, the so-called right-to-work bill sponsored by Senate President Robert Stivers, R-Manchester, and SB 9, the prevailing-wage measure sponsored by Sen. Wil Schroder, R-Campbell County.
Every worker in the Commonwealth wins when unions beat back the workers-are-just-serfs forces.  They did the same thing last year, but they won't be able to keep doing it alone, people.
more here:

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