Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Expanding Voting Rights in Kentucky

OK, Dems:  Take careful note of every House reputg that voted against this and every Senate repug who is going to vote against this and make sure the Democratic candidates running against them next year uses it in their campaigns.

Yes, apparently I do have to explain this in so many words of one syllable, because KY Dems are on the fast track to lose the House in 2016 right after they lose this Governor's Office this November.

From the AP:
Kentucky residents could register to vote on the Internet under a bill that passed the state House of Representatives on Monday.

Currently only soldiers deployed overseas and other Kentucky residents living abroad can register to vote online. But the House bill directs county clerks to create an electronic voter registration system.

Most of Kentucky's voters register to vote through the DMV. But the Legislative Research Commission estimates about 40,000 people per year could potentially register electronically, based on statistics from the past five years.

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/2015/02/23/3710704/house-passes-electronic-voter.html#storylink=cpy

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