Sunday, February 8, 2015

Conway Denies He's a Democrat, Guarantees GOP Governor

Jesus fucking christ, Jack, did you not see Alison Lundergan Grimes lose by 15 points to the Most Hated Politician in Kentucky because she denied President Obama?

Yeah, we all know you're a loser, but this is egregious.

Sam Youngman at the Herald:
When Attorney General Jack Conway addressed a conference of Kentucky county judge executives and magistrates this week, he tested what is sure to become a well-worn line as his campaign gets legs and starts walking.

"Yeah, I voted for the president," Conway said. "And then I sued him."

As the battle between Republicans gets underway, Conway, who is not facing a serious challenge to becoming the Democratic gubernatorial campaign, is building a campaign, an organization and a defense to the liabilities that come with being a Democrat running for office in increasingly red Kentucky.
As for you, Sam: "increasingly red Kentucky" is DEcreasingly poor Kentucky, thanks to President Obama's Affordable Care Act.

Under its Bluegrass name "kynect," the ACA has lifted tens of thousands of Kentuckians out of poverty and out of pain, illness and unemployment.

President Barack Obama has also proposed a $1 BILLION lifeline for Eastern Kentucky's unemployed and impoverished people.  That would be the budget plan that every single repug in Kentucky's Congressional delegation is going to vote against.

Every year, it gets easier for Kentucky Democratic candidates to rally stay-at-home Democratic voters by running as Real Fucking Democratic Candidates. 

But Loser Conway, the man who let AynRandy skip into the U.S. Senate, is running on the brag that he sued the president who is saving the Commonwealth.

Get ready for Governor Comer/Heiner/Scott/Blevins.

Read more here:

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