Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Office Sex Is The Most Pathetic

Seriously.  The only way new Kentucky House Majority Whip Johnny Bell could figure out how to bone his latest victim was to hire her? Somebody tell him there's this amazing new invention called the motel.
From the Herald's Jack Brammer, who is either having the time of his life covering this story or shopping his resume all over the planet.
A legislative staffer fired last week by state House Majority Whip Johnny Bell alleged in court documents Monday that Bell's decision was motivated in part "by his desire to have an intimate sexual relationship" with another woman he wants to hire.
Yolanda Costner, one of three legislative staffers who alleged sexual harassment in 2013 by a former state lawmaker from Western Kentucky, also said Bell, D-Glasgow, had illegally obtained a controlled substance —Xanax — from the other woman when she worked for him previously.

Costner also alleged that Bell, a lawyer, kept moonshine in his office and was seen in possession of a marijuana cigarette in front of the Capitol Annex.

Bell did not return phone calls to his cellphone Monday evening seeking comment.
 Also, never smoke pot in front of people you may want to fire someday.

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