Thursday, January 22, 2015

New KY House Dem Whip Not Just Racist, Sexist Pig; He's STOOPIT

Bell, the dusky-skinned lady you just fired is going to sue your ass right out of office, you moron.
Jack Brammer at the Herald:
New state House Majority Whip Johnny Bell, D-Glasgow, fired a female staffer in the office Wednesday who alleged she had been sexually assaulted by a former state lawmaker from Western Kentucky.
Louisville attorney Thomas Clay said Yolanda Costner received a letter earlier in the day from Bell that said her service was no longer required.

No other reason was given for the termination that is to take effect Thursday, Clay said.

Clay said Costner, who has 25 years of government service, will amend a complaint filed in Franklin Circuit Court on the sexual harassment scandal that will include Bell as a defendant.

He claimed Bell violated the state law to protect whistleblowers and Costner's civil rights.

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