Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Money Won't Stop Heroin Overdoses. Only Decriminalizing Painkillers Will Do That

John Cheves at the Herald:
The state will provide $105,000 for three urban hospitals, including the University of Kentucky's in Lexington, to buy about 2,000 naloxone kits to send home with heroin overdose patients, Gov. Steve Beshear said Tuesday.

Read more here:
People in genuine, severe, chronic pain cannot get the prescription painkillers they need for love nor money because Kentucky law threatens to prosecute any doctor who dares to write a legitimate prescription for narcotics.
People are fucking desperate, so of course they're buying heroin on the street and of course they're dying of overdoses.
But throwing people in agonizing pain into jail will not solve the problem.

Only repealing the cruel, deadly, lunatic KASPER law will save lives.

But neither KASPER nor Conway's initiative are intended to save lives.  They are intended to do exactly what they are doing, which is maintain the insane War on Drugs.

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