Saturday, December 27, 2014

Responsible Gun Ownership: Kentucky Christmas Party Edition

Again, there is no such thing as an accidental shooting. I'm sure the shooter did not intend the result, but that is all the more reason to lock him up for endangering public safety and terminal stupidity.

This behavior is a far greater menace to public safety than smoking pot or even selling it.

Justin Madden at the Herald:

A 16-year-old boy died Friday after being shot in the head at a party on Christmas night. 
Dnomyar Aket Russell was shot in the head at 11:50 p.m. Thursday at a home on Taylor Avenue in Frankfort, according to the Fayette County coroner's office.


Frankfort police officers were called to the home after a man trying to load a firearm during a Christmas party shot Russell, police said.


Frankfort police Maj. Robert Warfel said the shooting was "very tragic" and remains under investigation, although initial investigation determined the shooting was accidental. 
The tragedy, Major Warfel, is that under Kentucky law there is currently no way to get the shooter off the street.

Read more here:

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