Friday, December 26, 2014

Now Here's How You Do Petty Law Enforcemenbt

Not really aimed at the car-less poor people who bear the brunt of petty law enforcement, but it shows that some people in Lexington city government understand the concept of public service.

Justin Madden at the Herald:

LexPark said the campaign collected more than 6,200 cans of food at its North Broadway location as payment for more than 600 meter citations.

The food for fines program ran from Nov. 17 through Dec. 19. It allowed customers to bring in 10 cans of food to pay for any meter citation. Customers who had multiple meter citations were able to bring in 10 cans for each one, including those that were past due.

"While the national attention was exciting, we were very grateful that the local media got behind the story and really helped us get the word out," Means said. "Over 370 citizens participated by hauling in their cans, many of which donated more that was required."

All canned food donations received by LexPark were given to God's Pantry Food Bank.

Read more here:

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