Sunday, December 7, 2014

Marching Against Injustice in Lexington

Yes, it's because of racism. Yes, it's because police behave like an army of occupation. But it's also because we as citizens are letting it happen. We're not loud and disruptive enough.

But Saturday night in Lexington was a start.

Justin Madden at the Herald:
Valentine and Samuel were near the front of a demonstration of more than 150 people Saturday night in downtown Lexington. The protesters, who stopped traffic in downtown Lexington, were marching against police brutality and the decisions made by grand juries in Ferguson, Mo., and New York not to indict police officers in connection with the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner.

The march started in the parking lot of Third Street Stuff and continued down Limestone Street, passing the federal and county courthouses, and stopping at the corner of Main Street. The event was promoted through social media by members of the Stop Mass Incarceration Network KY, a group dedicated to ending police brutality, mass incarceration and criminalization.

The diverse and nonviolent crowd marched with signs that read "Black Lives Matter," "No justice in an unjust system" and "All Lives Matter." Throughout the march there were chants of "I believe we will win!"

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