Wednesday, December 10, 2014

It Does Happen Here

Just 10 years ago this October, right here in Lexington. A cop shot an unarmed Tony Sullivan. You already know which one was white and which one was black.  Residents marched in protest and broke a few windows, but set no fires and looted no stores.  Not even after the cop walked without charges.

Linda Blackford at the Herald:
About 40 University of Kentucky students held a "die-in" Tuesday at Patterson Office Tower, sprawling on the lobby floor in a silent protest against police brutality.

The protest was held to raise student awareness of recent cases in which two black men — Michael Brown and Eric Garner — died at the hands of white police officers in Missouri and New York, said senior Kelly Moore, one of the event's organizers.

Grand juries declined to indict the police officers in both cases.

"We felt like UK needed to do something to make a statement," Moore said. "A die-in during Dead Week was the perfect mix."

Dead Week is the study period before final exams begin at UK.

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