Sunday, December 14, 2014

And the Slime-Off Begins

Looks like the son of Gov. Steve "Savior of Obamacare" Beshear came up with a twist on the usual owned-by-Big-Coal corruption of his father's generation.

John Cheves at the Herald:
Beshear, the son of Gov. Steve Beshear, practices "attorney general defense" at Stites & Harbison in Louisville, helping companies that have run afoul of the state's top law-enforcement officer. He's also the only declared candidate for attorney general in 2015.

Although Andrew Beshear wants voters to make him responsible for protecting Kentuckians from civil and criminal offenses, the Democratic candidate won't discuss his legal work or identify any of the clients he has represented before the attorney general.

"Under the Rules of Professional Conduct published by the Kentucky Supreme Court, identifying clients in this situation could constitute a legal ethics violation that could result in sanctions," Andrew Beshear's campaign manager, Jared Smith, wrote in an email to the Herald-Leader last week. Andrew Beshear himself did not return calls seeking comment.
 C'mon, repugs:  I know you've got candidates slimier than this.  Surely you are not going to leave this big juicy target out there untouched.

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