Wednesday, November 5, 2014

You Can't Win If You Don't Fucking Run

The ballot at my Shelby County polling place looked like an unfilled-in crossword puzzle: blank boxes everywhere.

The following offices with repug incumbents had no challenger, no Democratic candidate at all:

State Senator
State Representative
Circuit Court Judge (the one who handles felonies)
County Judge-Executive
County Attorney
County Coroner

Just as bad, the following offices with Democratic incumbents had no challenger, no repug candidate at all:

County Clerk
County Jailer

All the incumbents have been in office for centuries.  Anybody smell a deal being cut here? A really incredibly stupid deal on the part of Democrats?

Single-candidate races should be illegal; unconstitutional, even.

Any county Democratic party that does not have a candidate in Every. Single. Race. on the ballot needs to be disbanded immediately, its executive committee barred from political involvement for life.

Letting political offices go unchallenged is a crime against democracy, and damn near treason .

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