Tuesday, November 11, 2014

No, Jack: State Workers Are Not Your Fucking Bodyguards

The state ethics board got this one dead wrong.
Democratic Attorney General Jack Conway can use state employees on state time for his security at private or political events during his campaign for governor, the Executive Branch Ethics Commission ruled Monday.

Conway asked for the advisory opinion after a review from his office recommended he have protection at public or publicized events. While the governor and lieutenant governor have security details from the Kentucky State Police, the Attorney General does not.

Recently, people have approached Conway in public and threatened him. Someone even showed up at Conway's house and harassed his family, according to a security review by Richard Badaracco, who works for Conway as the commissioner for the Department of Criminal Investigations.

Though he doesn't give specifics, Badaracco attributes the increased threats to "the sensitivity of recent subject matter" Conway has been dealing with. He also noted a general uptick in threats against public figures who are handling "political, environmental, religious, prosecution, social, and other 'hot topic' issues of the day."
Yeah, homophobic assholes are threatening Conway for his refusal to defend Governor Steve Beshear's epically stupid lawsuit to prevent marriage equality in Kentucky.

And Conway deserves state-provided protection. While he is doing his job. Not while he is campaigning for governor.

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/2014/11/10/3531140/conway-cleared-to-use-state-workers.html?sp=/99/164/#storylink=cpy

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