Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Democrats Win the Race That Matters Most

Yes, it's going to be an ugly two years in D.C., with dems' only hope being that the repug Insanity Caucus will prevent President Obama from crafting neoliberal compromises on Social Security and what remains of the social safety net.

But we are sighing with relief here in the Bluegrass, where our way-too-conservative-but-still-not-repug state Democratic candidates hung on to the state House of Representatives.

Kentucky's not North Carolina. Yet.

Jack Brammer and John Cheves at the Herald:
Democrats will keep control of the Kentucky House of Representatives following Tuesday's election, turning back a push by Republicans to lead the chamber for the first time since 1921.

Democrats kept 54 of the 100 House seats, the same number they had going into the election.
House Speaker Greg Stumbo, D-Prestonsburg, said Democrats "are very lucky and blessed" to keep control of the House.

Stumbo said he will ask the Democratic majority to re-elect him speaker, the House's No. 1 leadership position.

"I have spent a lot of time and effort with these candidates and would be honored to serve as their speaker," he said.

Asked if that means he will not run for governor next year, Stumbo said, "you never say never in this business."
And it's never a dull moment here in the Bluegrass.  Stay tuned: the 2015 gubernatorial race starts now.

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