Friday, October 10, 2014

Grimes Hands Mitch A Double-Digit Victory

As all 679,370 Kentucky Democratic voters who voted for Barack Obama in 2012 shake their heads and make plans to stay the fuck home on Nov. 4.

Congrats, Alison: You just made the single stupidest political move of the 2014 cycle.

Sam Youngman at the Herald:
Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes has refused seven times in the past seven days to say whether or not she voted for President Barack Obama for president.

Grimes was asked three times by a Herald-Leader reporter after an event on Oct. 2 if she voted for Obama, ignoring the question and turning her back on the reporter asking it.

On Thursday, Grimes refused four times to tell The Courier-Journal's editorial board if she voted for Obama.

"You know, this election, it isn't about the president," Grimes said when first asked if she voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012.

After being asked the third time, Grimes responded: "I was actually a delegate for Hillary Clinton, and I think that Kentuckians know I'm a Clinton Democrat through and through. I respect the sanctity of the ballot box, and I know that the members of this editorial board do as well."
Yeah, why would you ever want to claim support for the President who brought affordable health care to hundreds of thousands of Kentuckians?

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