Wednesday, September 3, 2014

KY Repugs Announce "Fuck Kentucky With A Barbed Dildo" Plan

Their promised agenda if Kentucky voters are stupid enough to hand them the state House is basically "Right to Work for Less"  "Get Back Into Those Burkas, Bitches" "Only White Men Are Fully Human" and "Pray to Jeebus or Die, Motherfucker."

Getting sodomized with a barbed dildo would be a relief.

Jack Brammer at the Herald:
Unveiling a political platform called "Handshake with Kentucky," state House Republican leaders promised Tuesday to approve "right-to-work" legislation and a host of other proposals if they gain control of the House this fall.

Republicans are trying to wrest control of the state House from Democrats for the first time since 1921. Democrats now outnumber Republicans in the House 54-46. The state Senate has been controlled by Republicans since 2000.

"If the people of Kentucky entrust us with the majority, we are committing to immediately begin debate with the intention of passing each of these pieces of legislation," House Republican Leader Jeff Hoover said in a statement on the first day of a media tour to tout Republican candidates.
I cut Kentucky's House Democrats no slack whatsoever.  But do the repugs really think nobody notices the similarities between "Handshake with Kentucky" and "Contract with on America?" That Kentuckians will vote for the plan of Newt Gingrich, the man who impeached Bill "Kentuckians worship me as a god" Clinton?

If Kentucky Democrats can't keep the House against that pathetic effort, they deserve to lose it. And if they do, we should all move to Tennessee, which will seem liberal by comparison.

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