Monday, September 29, 2014

Don't Miss It Nov. 8: "Pipelines, Fracking and Kentucky's Future Beyond Fossil Fuels"

From the pure grassroots activists who threw a giant wrench into the planned Bluegrass Pipeline, the launch of a new effort to protect all Kentuckians from the last fracking gasp of fossil fuels. It's free to all and even provides lunch. How can you resist?
Pipelines, Fracking, and Kentucky's Future
Beyond Fossil Fuels
November 8, 2014
Locust Trace AgriScience Farm
Lexington, Kentucky

Landowners and others affected by the proposed Bluegrass Hazardous Liquids Pipelines announce a summit to educate Kentuckians about the issues of natural gas liquids(NGLs), fracking, landowner rights, and local options for communities seeking a sustainable future. 

Dr. Jim O'Reilly of University of Cincinnati will give the keynote address.  An expert on law and public health, Dr. O'Reilly is currently writing a book on gas fracking for Thomson-Rueters-West Publishers.  Andy McDonald of the Kentucky Conservation Committee will speak about the transformative possibilities of renewable energy for Kentucky.  Other speakers and panelists will discuss fracking in Kentucky, repurposed NGL lines, legislative priorities, and choices for ensuring that land is protected and communities remain vibrant for future generations.  See below for a working agenda for the day.

Thanks to many sponsors and supporters, this will be a free event.  You are encouraged to preregister, however, so we can have a count for lunch.  Chef Susie Quick of Honest Farm in Midway will be making roast turkey, lamb moussaka, and vegetarian pasta.  Attendees are invited to bring a side dish or dessert to contribute or to make a donation towards the meal at the event.  You can preregister at or

This event was inspired by the successful grassroots opposition to the proposed Bluegrass Pipeline in 2013-2014.  While Williams and Boardwalk companies have suspended their operations in Kentucky for the moment, they hold many easements along the swath of the pipeline and can exercise their option on those easements for up to three years.  Fracking continues to boom northeast of the Commonwealth and we remain in "pipeline alley" between the production to the north and the processing facilities to the south of us.  In addition, Kinder Morgan and Mark West companies continue progress on repurposing the Tennessee pipeline through Kentucky from natural gas to natural gas liquids.  This decades-old pipeline is slated to begin transporting hazardous liquids late in 2016.  Affected counties include Greenup, Carter, Lewis, Rowan, Bath, Montgomery, Clark, Madison, Garrard, Boyle, Marion, Taylor, Greene, Hart, Metcalf, Barren, Allen, Simpson and possibly Lincoln and Casey.

We hope that this summit will serve Kentuckians by supplying much needed information about this significant issue.   Additionally, we hope that the summit will clearly articulate safe, renewable, and economically viable energy alternatives to fossil fuels.

Sponsors of the summit include Kentucky Resources Council, Food and Water Watch, Kentucky Conservation Committee, Envision Franklin County, New Pioneers for a Sustainable Future, Dominican Sisters of Peace, Kentucky Heartwood,  Sisters of Loretto, Earth Tools, Inc., Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, The Sisters of Mercy South Central Community, The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, and Kentucky Waterways Alliance. 

We welcome additional sponsors! 

Sponsorships are $25 and up, with $100 recommended.  Sponsors are invited to table at the event.  Sponsorships can be sent to No Bluegrass Pipeline Fund, P.O. Box 4573, Frankfort KY 40604.

See below for our working agenda for the day.

 Registration  8:30am-9am
Opening Session 9am - noon
Welcome -- Chris Schimmoeller -- 5 minutes
Overview:  Perspectives from New York -- Susan Classen -- 10 minutes
Keynote -- Dr. James O'Reilly :  " If You Break It You Own It:  Dealing Today with Tomorrow's Fracking Cleanup Costs"
                 45 minutes, then 15 min Q & A
10 min break
Panel:  Pipelines and Fracking in Kentucky -- 40 minutes of presentations, then 20 min Q & A
    NGL pipelines -- Bob Pekny
    Geology/Karst -- Ralph Ewers
    Repurposed lines -- Dick Watkins
    Fracking in KY -- Tim Joice

Speaker Andy McDonald -- "Beyond Fossil Fuels" --  30 minutes
       Lunch -- 1.5 hours

Afternoon Session 1:30-5:30pm

Breakout workshops from 1:30-3pm and 3:15-4:45pm with a 15 minute break in between with the same topics offered at each session so participants can attend at least two of what's offered.
Proposed Topics:
 Local Protections for Communities --    with Gwen Lachelt, other TBA

 Easements and Landowner Rights --   with Tom FitzGerald and Matt Demarcus, Terry Geoghagan

 Restoring Democracy and Working Effectively for Legislative and Political Change     with Jerry Hardt, Tom FitzGerald, Kentucky Conservation Committee, members of legislature

 Renewable Energy -- with Andy McDonald, other TBA

 Fracking, NGLs, and Repurposed Pipelines --  with Tim Joice, Dick Watkins, Ralph Ewers, and Bob Pekny

5-5:30pm  Closing Speech, Sister Claire McGowan

Volunteers Needed!

Volunteers are needed to seek additional sponsorships, promote the event, and help the day of the event. 
If you are interested please contact Chris Schimmoeller at or 502-226-5751x1.

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