Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Big Dog Will Land: Alison's Only Hope of Inspiring Democratic Voters Coming to Kentuc ky

This is the only real reason she's running: her daddy knows Bill Clinton, and Kentucky Democrats think Bill Clinton walked on water.

If the Big Dog says vote for her, they will.

Sam Youngman at the Herald:
Former President Bill Clinton is scheduled to attend campaign events with Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes on Aug. 6 in Lexington and Hazard.

The 42nd president is making his second trip to the Bluegrass for Grimes, who is Kentucky's secretary of state. He attended a fundraiser in Louisville for the challenger to U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell in February. 
 While in Lexington, Clinton will appear with Grimes at an event at the Carrick House. They'll campaign together in Hazard at the Hal Rogers Center.
Yes, she'll probably take the Golden Triangle and Eastern Kentucky. But most Democratic candidates in statewide races do. 

It's Western Kentucky where Democratic Senate campaigns die, and only a Clinton swing through there - in, say, October - can prevent Alison from following Dan Mongiardo (2004), Bruce Lunsford (2008) and Jack Conway (2010) into that grave.

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