Thursday, June 5, 2014

Remember This Dumb-Ass Remark When Stumbo Runs for Governor Next Year

That stench rolling off Kentucky House Speaker Greg Stumbo, D-Rotting Corpse of Coal, is not going to make him more attractive to donors, volunteers or voters next year.

Jack Brammer at the Herald:
Kentucky House Speaker Greg Stumbo called President Barack Obama's plan to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from existing coal-fired power plants "a dumb-ass policy" Wednesday, highlighting the political difficulties the plan has created for Kentucky Democrats.

His comments to reporters came as Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes launched a radio ad criticizing the Democratic president's plan as "pie-in-the-sky regulations that are impossible to achieve." Meanwhile, an issues advocacy group run by a former aide to U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell began airing a television ad that says Grimes "talks tough now" even though she previously endorsed Obama's re-election bid.

Stumbo, a Democrat from the coalfields of Floyd County, said the U.S. Congress, not the Obama administration, should make major decisions on energy policy.
Uh, Greg?  That's exactly what Congress did when it ordered the EPA to regulate greenhouse gases.  That's what President Obama is doing: announcing the regulations that EPA is proposing on the direct orders of Congress.

The decomp is rotting your brain, boy.

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