Monday, June 9, 2014

Mitch Loses to Dirty Hippie Blogger

Joe Sonka is doing all the heavy lifting for what passes for the Kentucky region of Left Blogsylvania

Lara Conaway at Maddow Blog:

Score one for the blogger from Kentucky. 

Last month, we reported that Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell had challenged Joe Sonka’s right to preserve an embarrassing McConnell goof on YouTube. McConnell had released an ad that showed players from arch-rival Duke celebrating a basketball championship, when he meant to show players from Kentucky. 

McConnell quickly pulled that ad, but not before Sonka grabbed a copy and preserved it on YouTube. The McConnell campaign then filed a copyright claim, and for a while, Sonka’s clip looked liked this:

Sonka filed a counter-argument for being allowed to keep the clip under the doctrine of fair use, because he had posted it as a matter of news reporting. Last night, he got word back from YouTube that he had won. Just now, the Leo Weekly writer forwarded us the note. “This content has been restored unless you have deleted the video(s),” wrote the YouTube Copyright Team. 

No chance Sonka would do that – the video is below., straight from his YouTube account. The flash of a mistake that McConnell tried to keep you from seeing is less than a second long. As they say in TV land, it hits at 1:09.

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