Monday, June 30, 2014

Elizabeth Warren is More Anti-McConnell Than Grimes Is

And sorry, Liz, but I wouldn't count on Alison's vote for any Democratic bill. If by some bizarre fluke she actually wins in November without the tens of thousands of Democratic votes she's already pissed away, she'll spend her time in the Senate making DINOs like Mary Landrieu look like Bernie Sanders.

Sam Youngman at the Herald:
But Warren's surprise wasn't rooted in Red State versus Blue State dogma. Instead, Warren said she was surprised to be standing in Kentucky as a United States senator, given her hard-scrabble upbringing in Oklahoma.

"I'm a little surprised because this is sure not where I started," Warren told a crowd of Grimes' supporters at the University of Louisville. She added: "I am the daughter of a janitor, and I ended up in the United States Senate." 
 Calling Grimes "the next senator from the Commonwealth of Kentucky," Warren blasted McConnell's leadership of Republicans in the Senate, specifically targeting his effort to block her proposal to allow refinancing of older student loans and temporarily lower the interest rate on federal Stafford loans.  
Warren and Grimes accused McConnell of standing for "millionaires and billionaires" instead of siding with Kentuckians on a number of populist issues, such as increasing the minimum wage, education funding, infrastructure spending and fair-pay legislation.

"Today we have a separation, and that's what frames what this election is about," Warren said. "This election is about what direction our country will take."

Without going into specifics, Grimes and Warren said in their remarks that they were not on the same page on every issue. 
 "Alison and I don't agree on everything," Warren said. "We don't. But we agree that there is a lot on the line here. Our economy, our country, our values."

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