Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What Atheist In Her Right Mind Would Want to Be President of a Country that Prefers Torturers and Psychopaths in the White House?

Point being, of course, is that we've had atheist presidents (none out of the closet, unfortunately) and nobody noticed the difference.

Positive Atheism:
Americans would more likely support a philandering presidential candidate than an atheist one -- by an 18 percent margin -- according to a Pew Research Center poll published Monday.

While 35 percent of respondents said they would be less likely to support a presidential candidate who had an extramarital affair, 53 percent of Americans indicated that not believing in God -- the trait viewed most negatively of the 16 tested -- would make them unsupportive of a candidate.

In accordance with a widely cited study by the University of Minnesota, which found atheists to be the most disliked and distrusted minority group in the nation, only 5 percent of respondents said they would be more likely to vote for a secular candidate.

The Pew survey, which questioned 1,501 adults nationwide from April 23 to 27, also found a significant partisan divide on the issue.

While 70 percent of Republicans and 42 percent of Democrats expressed opposition to an atheist candidate, 49 percent of Democrats viewed a potential candidate’s atheism as irrelevant.
I have no problem with a president who fucks anyone who consents, but I have a big problem with presidents who use their invisible sky-wizard friends to justify unjustified invasions, mass murder and torture.

At least Democrats continue to lead the way in reason.

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