Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Somebody Ask Alison: Should Tax-Cheating Americans Go to Jail?

In case you needed another reason to vote against Mitch McConnell in November, here's Juanita Jean:
I want names, dammit.
Credit Suisse AG (CSGN) agreed to pay $2.6 billion in penalties and pleaded guilty to helping Americans cheat on their taxes, making it the first global bank in a decade to admit to a crime in a U.S. courtroom.
Okay, why can’t giving me the names of Americans who cheated on their taxes be part of this plea deal?  And why the fool tarnation double damn hell isn’t somebody going to stinkin’ jail over this? 
Worse yet, why is half of Congress still taking money from those crooks?  Democrats and Republicans alike should be swatted for this.  They knew Credit Suisse was being investigated and they knew a criminal enterprise was going on, but they took the damn money. 
Cory Booker
Harry Reid
Jeb Hensarling – chairman of the House Financial Services Committee that oversees Credit Suisse
Steny Hoyer
Joe Crowley
John Boehner
Orrin Hatch
John Cornyn
Mitch McConnell
Mike Crapo – member of the Senate Banking Committee 
Oh, and there’s plenty more. 
Give the damn money back, prosecute Americans who used Credit Suisse to cheat on their taxes, and put somebody in jail.  You know, like Jeb Hensarling.


  1. they should make the bank pay all the back taxes with interest of all the tax cheats.

  2. All those charming Credit Suisse executives AND all members of Congress (and perhaps Eric Holder) should now be treated as felons--lose their right to vote, lose the right to be part of their children's school activities, or to be part of any child's school activities. As convicted felons, perhaps they should just lose their jobs and learn what it is really like for a person who has--let's say a low level drug conviction--on their record to try to get a job. Learn what it is like to be "too little to count!"

    And as for the cheats themselves, when at one point in our lives we made a minor error on our taxes, we were charged interest and penalties until we paid back every cent. The fact that we made the error when my mother was dying did not influence the IRS one little bit. We ate mac and cheese to pay back quickly, although the nice IRS man suggested we pay back slowly so our family would not suffer...and their interest would grow (my interpretation).

    Who counts for something in this country?
