Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Somebody Ask Alison If She Thinks Urban Kids Deserve Food

This is a waste of time. Let's just round up all the urban poors and give them to the guntards for target practice.

Be a whole lot faster and cheaper than slowly starving them to death.

Josh Marshall:
I'm not sure why this isn't a bigger deal. I hadn't heard about it other than in this brief passage tucked away in a Politico article about the House GOP agriculture bill. But it takes a small program intended provide meals to children in the school lunch program during the summer months and says it can now only be used to benefit kids in "rural areas".

In other words, "urban" kids are now out of luck. 
Here's the passage in question ..
And in a surprising twist, the bill language specifies that only rural areas are to benefit in the future from funding requested by the administration this year to continue a modest summer demonstration program to help children from low-income households — both urban and rural — during those months when school meals are not available.
Since 2010, the program has operated from an initial appropriation of $85 million, and the goal has been to test alternative approaches to distribute aid when schools are not in session. The White House asked for an additional $30 million to continue the effort, but the House bill provides $27 million for what’s described as an entirely new pilot program focused on rural areas only.
Democrats were surprised to see urban children were excluded. And the GOP had some trouble explaining the history itself. But a spokeswoman confirmed that the intent of the bill is a pilot project in “rural areas” only.
There seems to be a degree of understatement going on here, particularly in the final paragraph. What gives?
This isn't repugs getting in touch with and exposing their inner racists anymore.  This is attempted genocide.

Liberal Democrats need to get that through our thick skulls and fight fire with fire before it becomes national policy.

Here it is in chart form.

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