Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Restore Voting Rights in Kentucky - Call Your State Senator Right Now

From state house dems last night:

House Bill 70 – a bill championed by Democrat Jesse Crenshaw of Lexington for more than a decade - passed the House again earlier this session, but appeared to be “Dead on Arrival” in the Senate.

Just moments ago the House Democrats breathed new life into this measure by folding it into Senate Bill 58 (SB 58). Essentially, this legislation gives the fundamental and sacred right to vote back to those who have paid their full debt to society.
We believe that it is wrong to make someone a second-class citizen.  Welcoming those who have paid their debt back into normal life – a life that includes the right to vote - gives them a full chance to rejoin their communities. We believe this is essential to our Democratic values, and a more peaceful and just society.
SB58 sits in the senate now, awaiting action by that body.
The time is now: Call your Senator and tell them to vote YES on Senate Bill 58:

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