Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Half a Million Votes Await the KY Dem Candidates WhoTout Obamacare

More than half of the 630,000 Kentuckians who had no health insurance four months ago are now free to pursue good health and rewarding jobs without fearing medical bankruptcy, thanks to Obamacare.

If Kentucky's Democratic candidates are smart, they'll run campaigns to make sure not one of those people votes republican come November.

Jack Brammer at the Herald:
Gov. Steve Beshear touted Kentucky's efforts to sign up people for health insurance under the federal Affordable Care Act and told its political critics, including U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell, that the program "is working."

At a Capitol news conference Tuesday, the Democratic governor announced that 413,410 Kentuckians enrolled for health-care coverage through the online insurance marketplace called "Kynect" in its first open-enrollment period, from Oct. 1 through March 31.


Asked about McConnell's remarks, Beshear said, "These critics continue apparently to sit in their own echo chambers and talk to each other, because when you get out and talk to these 413,000 people, they are very thankful that we have moved forward both in expanding the Medicaid program and setting up our own health-benefits exchange."


Beshear predicted that political candidates will see that the public has a different viewpoint on the federal health-care act this November than it did last November, when "much misinformation" was aired about it.

He said about 75 percent of the people signing up for health insurance in Kentucky had no previous insurance and that 330,615 people qualified for Medicaid coverage.

Beshear described it as "deeply satisfying" that 10 percent of the state's population "finally has affordable, quality health insurance that gives them assurance that if they get sick or hurt, they'll get the care and they're not in danger of bankruptcy."

Beshear introduced two people who signed up for health insurance through Kynect.

Beth Moore, a self-employed behavioral analyst in Louisville, said she enrolled in Kynect and used her insurance to pay for an unexpected appendectomy in March in Texas.

Without the insurance, she said, she would have had to find $30,000 to pay her medical bills. "All I've paid out is $150," she said.
ead more here:

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