Thursday, April 24, 2014

Alison Concedes Election to Mitch - Again

Seriously, is there some Mark Penn-wannabee on her staff telling her that the key to winning is to insult and antagonize every Democratic voter in the Commonwealth?

Either Grimes deliberately timed this announcement for after President Obama had already postponed the decision until after November so it would have less effect on anti-Keystone voters, or she's even more criminally stupid/venal than I think she is.

From WKYT:
Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes called Wednesday on President Obama to approve the Keystone XL oil pipeline as she tries to defeat an incumbent Republican in the heart of coal country.

Grimes' statement to The Associated Press comes on the day a group committed to blocking the pipeline announced it will spend $500,000 setting up field offices in Kentucky to try to defeat U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell.
What the fuck is she thinking?  There is not one single constituent group in Kentucky - not even coal miners - who will benefit in any way from allowing Canadian companies to pour the most lethal carbon fuel on the plant across America's most delicate and endangered aquifer so they can ship it to Canada.

In fact, there is not one single constituent group in the U.S. or the world - outside the owners of Big Fossil Fuel - who will benefit in any way from the Keystone Pipeline.

Grimes' announcement is pure, unadulterated pandering to the ignorant, the desperate and the greedy.

Or she's already on the Koch Brothers' payroll.

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