Friday, March 14, 2014

Stop Mandatory Rape Bills in Kentucky

Remember:  When these misogynistic motherfuckers use the word "ultrasound," they're really talking about forcing doctors to commit object rape by shoving a hard plastic stick up a woman's vagina and all the way into her uterus against her will. For no legitimate medical reason.

Also, when you put obstacles of waiting periods and great distance and object rape between a woman and a safe-because-legal medical procedure, you're not protecting her health; you're endangering her life. 

Because abortion restrictions do not reduce the number of abortions. They just reduce the number of safe, legal abortions. And vastly increase the number of women dying from unsafe-because-restricted abortions.

The legislators who file and vote for these bills should be arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned for attempted murder.

From Planned Parenthood of Kentucky:

Bill filing deadlines have passed for the 2014 Kentucky legislative session and there were 8 abortion restriction bills filed.  Members of the Senate filed three bills and passed two of the them.  Members of the House filed five bills.  Currently, seven of the bills have been assigned to the House Health and Welfare Committee; one remains in the Senate Veterans, Military Affairs and Public Protections Committee. We encourage you to stay connected to the action network for updates. 

Please contact your representatives at 1-800-372-7181 or email them and tell them to vote NO on any anti choice legislation.

Assigned to the House Health and Welfare Committee

HB184-A bill that would limit access to safe, legal abortions by requiring a woman seeking an abortion to come to a clinic 24 hours prior to her procedure, and would set requirements for information a doctor would have to share with her.

HB575-Creates new sections to require an ultrasound prior to an abortion and to allow a civil suit for medical malpractice if not performed; amends to provide a criminal penalty; amends to require the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to provide various pregnancy-related materials and information in print from and on a stable Internet Web site.   Mandates abortion provider's website provide two links back to that section on CHFS's website.  Requires notification and availability of print materials 24 hours in advance to a pregnant woman that:  list agencies “that provide ultrasound and heart tone monitoring at no charge;”  inform pregnant women of anatomical and physiological characteristics…”including any relevant information regarding the possibility of the fetus’s survival” and to include new pictorial or photographic depictions.

SB3-A bill that would force a woman seeking an abortion to come to a clinic 24 hours prior to her procedure and to make her receive an ultrasound and listen to the results of the ultrasound.

SB8-Legislation that would force a woman seeking an abortion to receive an ultrasound and listen to the results of the ultrasound regardless of her wishes.

HB163-A bill that would place unnecessary restrictions on doctors treating patients that are seeking an abortion.

HB132-A bill that would regulate abortions in relation to the detection of a fetal heartbeat.

HB180-Legislation that would impose additional restrictions on the judicial bypass system.
Assigned to Senate Veterans, Military Affairs and Public Protection Committee

SB57-A bill that would ban nearly all abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

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