Tuesday, March 18, 2014

McConnell Campaign Panics: Terrified of Unarmed Reporter

Mitch the elephant is teetering on a chair, squealing in terror at the vicious, horrible mouse running around the floor.

Joe Gerth at the Courier:
U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell's campaign on Monday barred Joe Sonka, the news editor for LEO Weekly magazine, from attending a press conference following a round-table discussion with veterans.

The campaign called on the Louisville Metro Police to make sure that Sonka, who has been critical of McConnell in the past, from entering the conference room at the Hilton Garden Inn, on Crittenden Drive, where the event was held.

McConnell, during the press conference, said he didn't know why Sonka had been prohibited from attending.

Sonka said he was originally told that he couldn't attend because there was limited space in the room. In fact, there were numerous empty chairs in the room.
Sonka is of course the infamous blogger Media Czech, the bane of Kentucky repugs and cowardly dems going on a decade. He gleefully and thoroughly skewers any politico guilty of lying, corruption, hypocrisy or specific or general stupidity.

That makes McConnell a favorite target, but Governor Steve Beshear has endured more than his share of attacks without resorting to banning Sonka from press conferences.

This ban is petty, stupid, pointless and self-destructive.  The internal polls must be really, really bad.

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