Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Kentucky Gay Marriage Two-Step Not Fooling Anybody

And it won't save either Alison Lundergan Grimes' Senate race this year or Jack Conway's gubernatorial run next year.

Brett Barrouquere at the AP:
Two of Kentucky's top Democrats split sharply Tuesday over same-sex marriage, with Gov. Steve Beshear saying outside lawyers will be hired to appeal a decision granting recognition to gay couples married in other states after the attorney general announced he would not pursue the case.

No, Brett: there is no "split" among Kentucky Democrats.  This is a sacrifice fly by a lame duck governor to fool freakazoiod haters into voting for a couple of repug-lite DINOs.
The high-level intraparty divide — illustrating the rapid spread of the gay-marriage debate into America's conservative heartland — came four days after a federal judge in Louisville gave Kentucky 21 days to implement a ruling that overturned a ban on recognizing same-sex unions. Voters overwhelmingly approved the ban in 2004.

Read more here:
In 2004, 75 percent of Kentucky voters hated gay people enough to deny them basic civil rights. Last month, the Bluegrass poll showed that 55 percent of Kentuckians still opposed gay marriage - a 20-point drop - and that opposition is softening.

Long before the gubernatorial election in November 2015, and probably before the Senate election in eight months, that 55 percent opposition is going to drop into minority territory and Democratic voters are going to be holding the keys to victory.

So, Alison and Jack: Which side on you on?

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