Thursday, March 20, 2014

Hearing on Force-Doctors-to-Commit-Object-Rape Bill Thursday - Call Now to Stop It

Because it can't be said enough, a mandated "ultrasound" before abortion is not the jelly-on-the-belly kind. It's the doctor shoving a a hard plastic rod up a woman's vagina and into her uterus against her will.  In every state in the nation, that's object rape and a felony.

Except when it's done to a woman birthing vessel.

From Planned Parenthood:
(Today), March 20, the Kentucky House Health and Welfare Committee will vote on two pieces of anti-women's health legislation (SB8 and HB575). Let your representatives know that women deserve to make their own personal health care decisions with the counsel of her doctor and health care provider, not demeaning and intrusive laws passed by politicians playing doctor 
The committee will take votes on several bills that would set up additional barriers for women needing to access reproductive healthcare including forcing women to view ultrasound images against their will.
A woman should have accurate information about all of her options. Information that supports a woman, helps her make a decision for herself, and enables her to take care of her own health and well-being.
Requiring women to view their ultrasound is medically unnecessary and patients and doctors, not politicians, should decide what options are best in each individual situation and politicians should not try to control personal, private health decisions.
It is important that your Representative hear from you, but also see that you care about this issue.  If you can attend the hearing tomorrow, please do and bring a friend.  The hearing is on Thursday, March 20th in Frankfort at noon at the Capitol Annex, Room 169.

If you can’t attend, please email your representatives to let them know the government doesn’t have any business interfering in the health care decisions of Kentucky families, and you want them to vote NO on all of anti-choice legislation.
 Ask the motherfuckers why they're forcing doctors to rape their patients.

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