Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Bluegrass Pipeline Eminent Domain Vote This Week - Call Now to Save the Bluegrass

House Bill 31, the bill to prevent fracking waste pipeline promoters from using eminent domain to steal land from Central Kentuckians, is coming up for a vote in the General Assembly this week, possibly as early as today.

From pipeline opponents:
The (legislative) message center has been slammed with calls (last week) from people from all over the state supporting Keystone XL and Bluegrass Pipeline and the jobs it will bring.  They have been told that the Bluegrass Pipeline is part of Keystone XL.  Apparently the telemarketers generating these calls are also telling people that Obama has approved Keystone.  This is getting so ridiculously off base that it’s wasting state time and money:  I had to try to call four times today for my call to go through.

House Bill 31 is scheduled to be voted on by the full House this (week).  Everyone needs to call 1-800-372-7181 and 564-8100 and ask that all House members receive a message that House Bill 31 should be supported without any floor amendments (unless supported by the sponsor) and that this bill is about protecting landowners from the exercise of eminent domain by private companies and is NOT about jobs!

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