Friday, February 21, 2014

Number 113

Kentucky's 113th sacrifice to the insatiable maw of the Permanent Warren Terra is Marine Master Sergeant Aaron C. Torian of far-western Paducah, on the Mississippi River.

From KFVS12:
They say he died Feb. 15 while conducting combat operations in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. He was assigned to 2d Marine Special Operations Battalion, Marine Special Operations Regiment, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

There are many heavy hearts in the Paducah community as the news of Torian's death on the battlefields of Afghanistan sinks in.

The Heartland Worship Center in Paducah was Master Sergeant Torian's home away from home, when he was home on leave from the military.

He was just there at Christmastime this past year.

On Saturday, the decorated and highly recognized war hero was fatally injured in a IED attack in Afghanistan. Pastor Don Young says he remembers getting the call from Torian's step-father informing him about his death.

"Jim called back and he said, "pastor, Aaron didn't make it." Well, to make a long story short, I grieved and everybody that knew Esta [Torian's mother] and her family grieved. This whole church was shook up. This city is shook up."

Now those who knew him, are sharing their thoughts of the little boy who grew up to become a Marine.

"He would make a point to come by and say hi and give us a big 'ol hug; and, just tell us about some of the things he remembered in children's church when we were his teachers," said Gail Rothrock of Paducah. "I'm just crushed, there's just no words that can say what this has done. And what he meant to us and his family. He was a wonderful young man. And what an honor and privilege to have known him."

On Sunday his Heartland Worship Center family honored the Marine with a moment of silence and prayer.

"I think there's two kinds of people. Those who run into the mess and danger to try to do something about it. And those who run from it," Pastor Nathan Joyce said. "Aaron was the kind to run into it. He loved being a Marine. And he loved what he did.

Master Sergeant Torian was serving his sixth tour of combat duty, when his military career was cut short there in Afghanistan.

He leaves behind a wife and three children.

U.S. Marine Master Sergeant Aaron Torian will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors.
Yes, he died for nothing. They all died for nothing. They're all going to die for nothing.

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