Thursday, January 30, 2014

Pro-Hemp Farm Bill Starves Children While Enriching Big Ag

Yeah, the fucking farm bill passed the U.S. House yesterday, and the hemp provision was about the only good thing in it.

From the press release:
Agriculture Commissioner James Comer applauded news that the proposed federal farm bill contains language that would take a giant step toward restoring industrial hemp production to Kentucky and the nation.

“For months, we have tried to get some assurance at the federal level that Kentucky producers can grow industrial hemp without fear of government harassment or prosecution. This is what we’ve been waiting for,” Commissioner Comer said. “I appreciate Sen. Mitch McConnell’s efforts to get hemp language in the farm bill. Without his protection of the language, there is no way it would have survived the process. I’m also grateful to Sen. Rand Paul and Reps. John Yarmuth and Thomas Massie for supporting our efforts from the beginning. And I again want to thank state Sen. Paul Hornback for having the courage to sponsor Senate Bill 50, which makes industrial hemp production legal under Kentucky law.
But what the bill really does is ensure that working poor families have neither food nor heat this record-breaking winter. ADM, ConAgra and the Koch Brothers meanwhile are burning piles of stolen-from-the-taxpayers $100 bills and laughing themselves sick.

Down with Tyranny:
After all Obama's talk about equality of opportunity in the State of the Union last night, at 11 this morning House conservatives rammed through a horrendous $100 billion farm bill taking another $8 billion a year from the food stamps program and preserving subsidies for wealthy farmers. It passed 251-166, most Democrats voting NO and most Republicans voting YES. 

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