Friday, January 17, 2014

Grimes Embraces Rotting Corpse of Coal; Condemns Kentuckians to Eternal Poverty

And Mitch McConnell takes his campaign out of high gear, shifts into cruising speed as his re-election chances pass 99 percent.

What's next, Alison? Cutting Social Security? Eliminating food stamps? Impeaching Obama? Tax breaks for rapists?

Is there anything on which you will not play the me-too-repug-lite game?

Bruce Schreiner at the AP:
Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes vowed to press President Barack Obama to "do the right thing" and give coal its rightful place in a national energy policy, as the U.S. Senate candidate took her campaign to the eastern Kentucky coalfields Thursday night.

Grimes said she would work to "rein in" federal regulations aimed at mines and coal-fired power plants, and would strive to secure a "meaningful, long-term place for coal" in the nation's energy mix.
Uh, honey, despite what your despicable Daddy says, these days promises made in the coal fields don't stay in the coal fields. They speed through the intertubes to the yuppies of Lexington and the liberals of Louisville and the struggling victims of repug policies throughout the state who are going to have better things to do next November than cast a vote for somebody who's not going to vote any differently than McConnell.

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