Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Choke on This, Mitch: Steve Beshear is President's SOTU Guest

Yeah, yeah, Kentuckians hate Barack Obama. But we know an honor when we receive one, and we also know opportunities for positive national exposure of the Commonwealth are scarce as hen's teeth.

So whether outwardly or inwardly while pretending otherwise, today we're all shouting  "Kentucky, Fuck Yeah!"

From the Herald:
Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear and his wife, Jane, will sit with first lady Michelle Obama on Tuesday night as President Barack Obama addresses a joint session of Congress and the nation in his State of the Union speech.

Beshear told the Herald-Leader on Monday that he and his wife were "honored" to receive the invitation in a call last week from Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett.

Obama repeatedly has hailed Beshear's work in implementing Kentucky's health-care exchange as part of the federal Affordable Care Act, and if tradition holds, he probably will do so again during the televised address. (The speech is set to start at 9 p.m. and will air on major broadcast and cable networks.)

"I appreciate his hard work in getting the Affordable Care Act passed to give me the opportunity to change the course of Kentucky's history when it comes to health care," Beshear said of Obama.
Hey, Alison: come out of that repug-lite closet you're cowering in and acknowledge this honor and the reason for it.  There are tens of thousands of disappointed Democratic voters in Kentucky just waiting for a reason to start voting again.

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