Friday, January 10, 2014

Call the Legislative Hotline NOW - Pipeline Company Paying Callers to Overwhelm System

UPDATE: Calls to the legislature are running 10-1 in favor of the pipeline. Call NOW!

We are hearing reports that the Kentucky Capitol Legislative Message Center is getting slammed with calls supporting the proposed Bluegrass Pipeline of toxic fracking waste.

Apparently people who know nothing about the pipeline are being paid to make these calls.

From the people whose homes are directly endangered by the proposed pipeline comes this plea:

If you care at all about having clean drinking water and healthy fields and a sustainable economy in Kentucky's heart - the Bluegrass - please call the legislative hotline – 1-800-372-7181 - to express your strong support of Senate Bill 14, the strongest eminent domain bill filed.

Call now and urge your family and friends to call. Make sure to direct your message to the Senate leadership as well as your Senator. The House leadership and your representative should also hear that we want a strong eminent domain bill styled after Senate Bill 14 - NOT House Bill 60 or Senate Bill 21.

To talk to a legislator directly call 502-564-8100.

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