Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Kids Who Really Need Lessons

Contrary to this soul-less pile of Georgia shit, the kids who need lessons on personal responsibility and the actual cost of things you get are the RICH kids.

I'm all for making kids do all the most degrading and humiliating work in the school right in front of their "peers" as long as the kids doing the work are rich. Even if the little parasites have to be bused in from their private schools.

Make the privileged little fuckers clean the toilets. With their bare hands.

After all, we don't want them to become murderers like this fine example of how having too much money destroys the moral fiber of both children and adults.

Because only non-rich kids know the meaning of real work - they see their parents and other neighborhood adults killing themselves trying to hold down two or three minimum-wage jobs.

It's the rich kids who don't have a fucking clue - their parents and neighborhood adults sit around enjoying luxury all day while interest and dividends on the money they've stolen from people who work just piles up in offshore tax havens.

It's the rich kids who don't understand that taxes paid by working people - not their parents - are what creates and sustains the world around them. The rich kids who think they are entitled to everything they want just because they have money. The rich kids who think working is for suckers. The rich kids who learn from birth that life is one unearned handout after another.

And repugs know that, which is why they demonize the poor every chance they get.
A Republican congressman from Georgia who is hoping to be party's next Senate nominee said over the weekend that poor children should have to pay or sweep floors if they wanted to eat school lunches.

"I'm on the Agriculture Committee, we have jurisdiction over the school lunch," Rep. Jack Kingston explained to the Jackson County Republican Party in a clip obtained by The Huffington Post's Amanda Terkel. "School lunch program is very expensive."

"But one of the things I’ve talked to the secretary of agriculture about: Why don’t you have the kids pay a dime, pay a nickel to instill in them that there is, in fact, no such thing as a free lunch?" he suggested. "Or maybe sweep the floor of the cafeteria -- and yes, I understand that that would be an administrative problem, and I understand that it would probably lose you money."

"But think what we would gain as a society in getting people -- getting the myth out of their head that there is such a thing as a free lunch," Kingston added.

While campaigning for the Republican presidential nomination in 2011, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich also floated the idea of replacing unionized janitors with children during a talk at Harvard’s Kennedy School.

He later told a crowd in Iowa that poor children were basically lazy.

“Really poor children, in really poor neighborhoods have no habits of working and have nobody around them who works so they have no habit of showing up on Monday,” the Georgia Republican insisted. “They have no habit of staying all day, they have no habit of I do this and you give me cash, unless it is illegal.”

Gingrich suggested to supporters in South Carolina that children as young as 5 years old could get “an education in life” by working.
Substitute "rich" for "poor" in those sentiments, and both repugs have it exactly right.

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