Monday, December 2, 2013

Repug Obstruction Literally Killing People

 No, Obamacare hasn't killed anyone and never will.  But repug sabotage of Obamacare already has,.

Just a reminder that in red states where Republicans turned down Medicaid expansion, rural hospitals are closing and people are dying as a direct result.
At least five public hospitals closed this year and many more are scaling back services, mostly in states where Medicaid wasn’t expanded. Patients in areas with shuttered hospitals must travel as far as 40 miles (64 kilometers) to get care, causing delays that can result in lethal consequences, said Bruce Siegel, chief executive officer of America’s Essential Hospitals, a Washington-based advocacy group for facilities that treat large numbers of uninsured or low-income patients.

“Everyone in a community will be affected,” Siegel said. “We could see the end of life-saving services, and patients would bear the brunt.”

Hospitals have dismissed at least 5,000 employees across the country since June, mostly in states that haven’t expanded the joint state-federal Medicaid health program for the poor as anticipated under the U.S. health overhaul known as Obamacare. Hospitals like the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Tennessee and Indiana University Health are among providers seeking cost savings in areas such as cancer treatment, mental health and infant care.
And just so it's clear whose fault this is:
Obama proposed delaying for a year the subsidy cuts for hospitals to give states more time to expand Medicaid. Congress didn’t go along with his proposal. 
Republicans blocked Medicaid, Republicans blocked doing anything about the subsidy cuts.  So hospitals are closing in red states and people are dying.  Point blank.  Your death panels making life and death decisions about people's health care choices are called "Republican state and congressional lawmakers."

Any questions?
 From Kentucky, we look across the river to our friends, neighbors and family in Indiana, denied the Medicaid expansion bringing lifesaving healthcare to 340,000 of us.

Unless Gov. Kasich prevails against his repugs in the Ohio legislature, and new Governor McAuliffe beats his Virginia repug assembly, Kentucky will be an island of affordable healthcare surrounded by seven repug hellholes.

I hope their sense of interstate competition trumps their hatred of Obama.

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