Friday, December 13, 2013

KY Lege to Sexually Harassed Staffers: FOADIAF

It's just a bunch of "people" without penises and the wrong skin color after all, so who cares?

Roger Alford at AP:
A western Kentucky Democrat won't face sanctions from the Democratic-controlled House for allegations that he sexually harassed legislative staffers.

A special investigative House committee voted 3-2 along party lines Thursday to disband without taking action against former Democratic state Rep. John Arnold of Sturgis. It concluded it had no legal authority because he resigned some three months ago.

Chairman Democratic state Rep. Jeffery Donohue said Arnold's resignation effectively took away the House's authority to censure.

Arnold gave up his seat in the House in September, shortly after legislative staffers Yolanda Costner and Cassaundra Cooper complained that the long-time lawmaker had touched them inappropriately and made vulgar comments. A third woman later filed a similar complaint.

"That whole procedure was a sham," said Thomas Clay, a Louisville attorney who filed a lawsuit on behalf of Costner and Cooper. "I guess the only way we're going to find out the truth of the matter is through the court proceeding where people will be required to give testimony under oath about what they did and when they did it. There are a lot of questions that are unanswered."
The only question I want answered is why anyone in this state still imagines that blahs and vaginas have any human or civil rights at all.

Read more here:

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