Friday, December 6, 2013

AynRandy Whines About Getting Health Insurance People Were Dying For

You can't see it, but I have the world's tiniest violin and it's playing "My Heart Bleeds for The Tribble-Toupeed One."

Sam Youngman at the Herald:
U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, an outspoken opponent of President Barack Obama's health care law, described his frustration upon signing up for the Washington, D.C., exchange, which the senator did Wednesday.

Paul spoke to reporters Thursday after an event in Northern Kentucky, saying that the law is not a success in Kentucky despite the high interest and thousands who have enrolled.

"It made me an unhappy person," Paul said, chuckling.

Paul said the process took him more than two hours, and several times he lost the information he had entered into the troubled website.

"I got all the way through with Obamacare one time, and then I lost all my information," he said.
Too late, AynRandy.  That excuse might have worked a month ago, but today it just proves you're either a moron or a liar.  Both, actually.

More than 65,000 Kentuckians have signed up for Obamacare with virtually no problems - so smoothly, in fact, that governors from much larger, more populous and healthier states are asking Steve Beshear for his secret of success.

I think his answer should be "Ignoring repug lying morons like Rand Paul."

Read more here:

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