Saturday, November 2, 2013

Stop Congressional Repugs From Overriding State Laws Protecting Animals

Kentucky, unfortunately, has some of the weakest animal protection laws in the nation.  That's an issue to be addressed in the Kentucky General Assembly. And we don't need Steve King's fucking interference to do it.

From the Animal Legal Defense Fund:
We urgently need your help today to stop one of the most serious threats to animal protection this country has ever experienced.

(Last week) the Farm Bill Conference Committee start(ed) meeting to decide whether the King Amendment will remain in the final Farm Bill that is sent to President Obama.

As ALDF repeatedly has warned, the King Amendment outrageously would prevent your state from ever setting its own health, safety and welfare standards and applying them to products produced elsewhere. It further would roll back decades of animal protection and food safety standards -- immediately repealing Prop 2 and laws in eight other states that forbid cruel farm animal confinement, as well as rescinding California’s Foie Gras ban, horse slaughter and puppy mill prohibitions, even children’s nutritional requirements.

The Amendment’s author, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) even believes that dogfighting should be made legal.

With the U.S. House of Representative literally bringing the Federal government to a halt these days, it is vital that states retain the sovereign right to decide how best to protect the health of their citizens and the welfare of their animals.

Take Action!

Please call your Senators and Representative today and demand that the King Amendment be stripped from the bill. You can simply say:

"As a concerned constituent I'm calling to urge you to strip the King Amendment from the Farm Bill because I want animals to be protected from cruel conditions and my family to be protected from unsafe foods."

This is especially important if you live in AR, CO, GA, IA, KS, MI, MN, MS, MT, OH, ND, VT as your Senator is on the Farm Bill Conference Committee. Check to see if your Representative is also on the Committee. And don’t forget to follow up your call with a polite email.

Please help ALDF preserve state sovereignty and protect America’s animals from harm. It is impossible to overstate how devastating the King Amendment would be for this country.

Help us multiply our impact by sharing this action on social media as well!

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