Friday, November 29, 2013

If Your Local Sheriff Doesn't Have an 18-Ton Tank, He Will Soon

Radley Balko nailed this first in his must-read Rise of the Warrior Cop, but Charles Pierce sums it up thus:
As the story in Stars and Stripes indicates, local police have been buying up military surplus heavy weaponry for years now. (I, for one, feel much safer in West Springfield knowing that the cops have not one, but two grenade-launchers. Keeps the Basketball Hall Of Fame safe.) It is all of a piece with the dangerously hair-trigger, highly militarized state of local law enforcement, almost all of which is a result of our idiotic "war" on drugs. (Check out how many local sheriffs say they need a tank to serve drug warrants.) This is the logical end of stop-and-frisk, pepper spray, "pain-compliance techniques," the promiscuous use of the Taser, and the occasional justified police shooting of a suspect who acted "in a furtive manner." More and more firepower. A more overwhelming response capability. If this were Afghanistan, we'd call this an "escalation."
Even if you are the innocent victim - nay, especially if you are the innocent victim -  the policeman is no longer your friend.

1 comment:

  1. "I, for one, feel much safer in West Springfield knowing that the cops have not one, but two grenade-launchers"

    Lol, absolutely! Of course, for the population to feel REALLY safe, it is imperative the local cops have an armada of AK47s, tanks, ICBMs and portable nuclear bombs.

    Hell, history proves it: aren't Hiroshima and Nagasaki the safest cities in the world now that the bad guys haunting the joints were gently dissuaded?
