Monday, October 7, 2013

Two Things You Can Do to Protect Kentucky From the Bluegrass Pipeline

From the activists determined "to protect Kentuckians' land rights, water sources and environment from the Bluegrass Pipeline" come two simple but important actions anyone can take.

First, we want the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to conduct a comprehensive environmental impact study and needs assessment, and to deny the company permission to continue with routing and easment acquisition until the impact study and needs assessment are complete. Second, we are working diligently with state representatives to limit condemnation authority to pubic utilities. To accomplish this task, we need your help. There are two important ways you can assist:

1. Write a letter to the Corps of Engineers and the Federal Energy Regulatory Comission at:

James Townsend
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Regulatory Branch, P.O. Box 59
Louisville, KY 40201

Ms. Kimberly Bose, Secretary
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street NE, Room 1A
Washington, D.C. 20426

What to Include in the Letter:

· Require a comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement on new and repurposed portions of the Bluegrass NGL Pipeline Project.”

· Collaborate to conduct a full environmental analysis of the need, alternative routes and alternatives to the pipeline, and the social, environmental, and economic impacts of the project

· Advise the project proponents that no actions that would commit resources to a particular project route, including easement acquisition, so be allowed pending the completion of a comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement.

Include personal details of how the Bluegrass Pipeline could affect your land and your quality of life.

2. Call or write to your State Senator and Representative and ask them to Co-Sponsor BR 129 and BR 198:

Contact your state Senator and Representative, and ask them to “co-sponsor BR 129 (in the Senate) and BR 198 (in the House) to limit condemnation powers for oil and gas pipelines to utilities regulated by the Kentucky Public Service Commission.” Senator Higdon and Representative Floyd are the lead sponsors. You can contact your state Senator and Representative by linking to or by calling them at 502-564-8100 (this is not a toll-free call).
Learn more here.

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