Thursday, October 24, 2013

Tell the KY Environmental Quality Commission to Stop the Bluegrass Pipeline - Meeting TONIGHT

Tonight at 6 p.m., the Kentucky Environmental Quality Commission will meet to hear public comment about the proposed Bluegrass Pipeline to carry toxic fracking liquids through the Commonwealth's fragile Central Kentucky landscape.

Recently Williams Co., the pipeline company trying to bribe and coerce landowners in 18 counties into selling their birthright for peanuts, has blanketed the airwaves and newspapers with false propaganda, telling blatant lies in hopes of blunting the growing grassroots opposition to the pipeline.

The problem is that this kind of pipeline - not natural gas, but rather toxic fracking waste liquids - is not properly regulated under federal or state law. Opponents must make the case to regulatory agencies to change the law to allow citizens and our elected representatives to properly review the pipeline plans and decide if the project is safe and worthwhile.

If you think out-of-state corporations should not be allowed to endanger the drnking water, fields and pastures of Kentuckians without any oversight, come to Kentucky State University tonight at 6 p.m., Room 509 of the Academic Services Building, in Frankfort and tell the EQC so.


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