Sunday, October 6, 2013

“People who own the world outright for profit will have to be stopped; by influence, by power, by us.”

If you've never been fortunate enough to hear Wendell Berry - Kentucky's Conscience - speak, here is your chance.

From PBS:
This week on Moyers & Company in a rare television interview, Bill talks to visionary, author and farmer Wendell Berry to discuss a sensible, but no-compromise plan to save the Earth.   


Wendell Berry, one of America’s most influential writers who has written more than 40 novels, books of poetry, short stories and essays, has become an outspoken advocate for revolution. He’s calling for immediate action to end industrial farming and return to the sustainable farming methods of years past. In his interview with Bill, Berry says: “People who own the world outright for profit will have to be stopped; by influence, by power, by us.”
Watch the video here.

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