Saturday, October 12, 2013

Kentucky's Obamacare Is the Gold Standard

Yeah, suck it, California: the President likes us best.

James Carroll at the Courier:
WASHINGTON – Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear’s implementation of the new health care law for the uninsured won praise from President Barack Obama during a private meeting with House Democrats Wednesday.

That’s according to Rep. John Yarmuth, D-3rd District, who was at the meeting.

Obama met with the lawmakers to discuss the partial government shutdown and the looming Oct. 17 deadline for raising the debt ceiling. During his remarks, the president also talked about health care law, which was the Republicans’ original target in the shutdown dispute.

“The president said (the Affordable Care Act) got really good rollouts in some places you wouldn’t expect it, and he said the place that has done best is Kentucky,” Yarmuth said in an interview on Thursday.

The Louisville congressman said Obama noted that irony of that, given that two of Obamacare’s most vocal critics are Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.

Yarmuth went up to Obama after the meeting to thank the president for the Kentucky shout-out.
“The president said that Steve Beshear has done a phenomenal job in embracing the law and making sure it worked well,” Yarmuth said.
And the guv gets prouder every day.
Kentucky’s Democratic governor says implementing the Affordable Care Act is “the morally right thing to do.”

Kentucky is the only southern state both expanding Medicaid and operating a state-based health exchange.

Appearing Thursday on the WNYC's "The Takeaway," Governor Steve Beshear said Kentucky can’t afford not to do it.

“We have some of the worst health statistics in the country," explained Beshear.  "If there’s some way I can attack that and change the course of history in Kentucky on health care, I’m going to do it, and the Affordable Care Act gives me a historic opportunity and a tool to do just that.”


You can hear the complete interview with Governor Steve Beshear by clicking here.
 More than 10,000 uninsured people now signed up for coverage as of Friday.

As of 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time on 10/11/2013
unique visitors to; viewing 4,409,080 web pages.
people conducted pre-screenings to determine qualifications for subsidies, discounts or programs like Medicaid.
applications for health care coverage have been started; 21,931 are completed.
individuals are enrolled in new affordable health care coverage.
small businesses have started applications for health insurance for employees.
calls managed by kynect contact center at 1-855-4kynect (1-855-459-6328).
Meanwhile, the Kentucky teabagger dead-enders are getting desperate.

David Adams' pathetic op-ed in the Courier:
Kentucky Democrats may soon turn against Obamacare in the interests of self-preservation. 
If Kentucky’s state-run health insurance exchange survives my legal challenge headed now to the Commonwealth’s Supreme Court, it will then face a stiff immediate challenge in January.
Yeah, you wish, moron.  Go on - knock yourself out.

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