Monday, September 23, 2013

Vigil for Slain Ignores Guns; Pretends Prayer Would Help

I have never read anything more insulting to the memory of murder victims.

Mary Meehan at the Herald:
Heartbreak and hope filled the candlelit courtyard of the Boyle County Courthouse on Sunday as several hundred people celebrated the lives of three people who were shot to death Friday in a pawn shop.

Pastor Jason Kilby, wearing a bright red shirt that read "Live Love Now," urged the crowd to use the deaths as a springboard to making God a priority in the life of the community. Kilby, who leads Centerpoint Church and is a lifelong Danville resident, said the slayings were just the latest example of evil in the form of drugs and violence that seems to be encroaching on the town of 16,000.

But Kilby, and the six other pastors who spoke, each preached on the theme that those who had died too soon were in a better place and that God had the power to heal those left behind. Their message was amplified with inspirational videos shown on an inflatable screen propped against the brick courthouse wall, electric cables snaking through the grass.
Not one mention of what killed Michael and Angela Hockensmith and Daniel Smith: a man with a gun. Not one mention of the guntard culture that floods our society with guns and turns multiple slayings into daily occurences. Not one mention of the desperate need for national guns control that would actually prevent gun violence. 

Danville had a reputation for civilized culture and liberalism. That's as dead as the three people killed by completely preventable gunfire. 

Read more here:

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